European Art School : reveal your talent

23 червня 2021, 20:51
Власник сторінки
Медиатехнолог, журналист, troubleshooter
European Art School : reveal your talent


Music, ballet, singing, fine arts are unique tools for uniting the global community🙌
We direct young professionals to new areas and trends in culture and art, expand their creative worldview, allow them to practically examine contemporary demands for artists and art.
Our graduates are young specialists with a modern vision of art development, comprehensive specialized knowledge sufficient to be competitive on the labor market of Ukraine, Europe and worldwide.    


International standards of education
🟣 Experienced lecturers
🟣 International modules of education
🟣 Creative practices

Practical orientation
🟣 Application of modern educational and information programs
🟣 Total immersion of students into creative and artistic processes
🟣 Contemporary halls, rehearsal facilities and classrooms equipped according to European standards
Pool of well-known partner companies
🟣 Partner projects
🟣 Internship at the best theaters, concert halls and filming locations
🟣 Workshops by Ukrainian and foreign leading specialists in culture and art.
If you are talented, creative, insistent and can think creatively, choose our European Art School at International European University!✌🏻
We offer the following areas of training:
🔺 021 Audiovisual art and production
🔺 022 Design
🔺 023 Fine arts  
🔺 024 Choreography
🔺 025 Musical art
🔺 026 Performing art

Join our educational and artistic space in order to build a future of global art together! 

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