The system of Russian propaganda and disinformation facilitates carrying out of events aimed at discrimination against Ukraine in the European Union.
The system of Russian propaganda
and disinformation facilitates carrying out of events aimed at discrimination
against Ukraine in the European Union.
In September in Brussels it is planned to present a series of provocative
photo exhibitions aimed at discreditation оf
the Ukrainian law-enforcement bodies and state leaders during the ATO (anti-terrorist
operation) in the eastern regions of Ukraine. It will be demonstrated their
alleged "crimes" as the result of which infrastructure is destroyed and
civilians, especially children, are suffering.
The organizer of the exhibitions is a pro-Russian and anti-Ukrainian
organization «Euro-Rus», founder and leader of which is a relatively well-known
Belgian nationalist Chris Roman, who conducts active pro-Russian activities.
Evidently, the events will be also organized with assistance and financial
support of the Russian Embassy in Belgium.
The first exhibition named "Children's tears" will take place
on September. It can be assumed that in order to avoid negative reactions from
the pro-Ukrainian activists the event will be held with special invitations for
a narrow range of pro-Russian activists.
It is reported that photos at the event will be presented by citizen of Russia Alexei Smirnov himself, founder and
commander of illegal armed formation “Angel” and participated in the fighting in eastern
The second exhibition is going to be presented on 6.00 p.m., September,
30 in the premises of the Russian Center of Science and Culture (Meridyan
street, 21). Organizers say the theme is: "Donbas. Timeline of
angels". O.Smyrnov who was mentioned above will also take part in the
It is expected that the organizers will invite pro-Russian European
politicians, including deputies of the European Parliament, journalists,
experts and local community activists to achieve a stronger propaganda effect.
The visit of O.Smyrnov, terrorists` supporter, to Brussels and his meeting with
European representatives can be understood as a provocation not only against
Kyiv, but against Belgian authorities and the EU government as well.
Рубрика "Блоги читачів" є майданчиком вільної журналістики та не модерується редакцією. Користувачі самостійно завантажують свої матеріали на сайт. Редакція не поділяє позицію блогерів та не відповідає за достовірність викладених ними фактів.