Coalition aganist disinformation

02 листопада 2024, 05:29
Власник сторінки

Disinformation is not merely a nuisance; it’s a direct threat to democratic values and national security.

On October 29, Washington, D.C., became a focal point for critical dialogue as experts converged at the conference titled “Russian Disinformation: Tactics, Influence, and Threats to National Security.” This significant event drew leading voices from various sectors, including media, politics, security, human rights, and religious communities, to address the multifaceted challenges posed by Russian disinformation on global security and democratic integrity.

The conference agenda explored essential themes, including the tactics employed by Russia to manipulate global narratives, destabilize governments, and influence electoral processes. Keynote speaker Anna Vyshnyakova, an expert in international criminal law and head of the NGO LingvaLexa, remarked, “Russia’s strategy is to disguise disinformation under the cover of entertainment and journalism — even embedding it in video games — to push fake news about Ukraine and conceal war crimes committed by Russian forces.”

Panelists emphasized the alarming implications of disinformation on societal cohesion and the erosion of trust in democratic institutions. As Jason Shelton, Policy Advisor for the Biden-Harris Administration, articulated, “Disinformation is not merely a nuisance; it’s a direct threat to democratic values and national security.” In this context, the conference underscored the urgent need for a united front among governments, media, and civil society to counteract this pervasive threat.

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