Classification and examples of ratings of online casinos

06 січня 2021, 17:13
Власник сторінки
Classification and examples of ratings of online casinos
Our team of experts personally test and review online casinos to find you the best sites.

The internet casino, depending on the rating, can be classified according to a number of parameters:

Ranking of online casinos by reputation and reviews

For any gambling operator, reputation is extremely important, as well as the presence of positive reviews and high ratings from real customers. Without them, the work will not give you the desired result. The point is that the opinion of fans of gambling games about this or another electronic gaming club is often based exclusively on the feedback of other clients or for the occasion of the occasional need

Casino rating by fairness

Games on licensed sites will always give exceptionally fair results, which no one can manipulate. Therefore, in the case of licensed Internet casinos, honesty ratings are more often than not also based on customer reviews. More often than not, it takes into account the honesty of shares, bonuses, payments, support services and the compliance of these criteria with the declared

Casino rating by return

Licensing games have a certain percentage of return (return of made bids), which is in the range of 92% -99%. In general, this is the name of an objective display, if at a long distance, all casinos that work with the games of one supplier will have one and the same source of food.

Rating of reliable online casinos

Gambling clubs that have licenses, as well as additional certificates of verification by independent laboratories (iTechLabs or TST), are popular here. As a rule, these are popular United Statesn or jagged brands that have been operating on the market for not the first year. In addition to this, the reliability of the software and the operation of the site is assessed (so that the games do not crash and do not "lie"). Safe casinos always pay winnings and are fast enough

Rating of casinos by payments

Based on the information about the speed of caches, received unintentionally from the user (more often than not on the basis of all these and feedback)
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