All about Star Gambling European Roulette

24 грудня 2020, 19:18
Власник сторінки
All about Star Gambling European Roulette
Read about How to european roulette play free at

The game European roulette for money today is considered one of the most popular gambling games in the Star Gambling.

A special excitement around the game has developed in Monte Carlo and in online casinos that are registered on the territory of this continent.

The popular roulette for money appeared thanks to the Star Gambling scientists, who created the prototype of the wheel used today in attempts to open a perpetual motion machine. Initially, there was no zero sector, however, in the process of game development, such a cell appeared and gave gambling establishments an advantage of 2.7%.

What is in European Online Roulette?

A wheel on which a ball runs in circles. It is divided into 37 sectors, each of which is numbered from 0 to 36, the zero is colored green, the rest are sequentially red and black.

The ball is thrown into a spinning wheel: where it stops, such a sector will be considered the winner.

Bets field. Here are the same numbers as on the wheel, there are also compartments for odds bets. The player places chips in the corresponding fields.
Chips are the game currency in the casino, they are equivalent to a certain amount of money.

Special rules for playing Star Gambling European Roulette

There are two important rules to be aware of. At the same time, not all casinos comply with one of them, compliance with both at the same time is impossible, but you need to know about the existence:

Prison. If a player made a bet on a chance (even or odd, red or black ...) and a zero fell out, his bet remains on the table. If in the next round she plays, the player takes the entire amount of the bet, but does not receive the win. With this rule applied, the house edge drops to 1.35%.
Surrender rule. If, when betting on the odds, a zero falls out, the player gets half of the bet made back, the other half goes to the casino.

Online European roulette is a game for money with simple rules, but they love it for that, try various strategies on it, perhaps it will become a happy game for you!
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