Tom Watson is hired by gambling giant Star Gambling as an advisor

21 листопада 2020, 20:20
Власник сторінки
Tom Watson is hired by gambling giant Star Gambling as an advisor
Read more: Jackpot City Review by Star Gambling.

Former Labor Deputy Chief Executive Tom Watson has been appointed an advisor to one of the UK's largest gambling firms.

Mr. Watson, who left parliament last year, advocated stricter rules on gambling as an MP.

He moves to Flutter, which owns brands like Star Gambling and Jackpot City.

The firm said it "will bring a fresh and strong voice to the business as it seeks ways to protect" vulnerable customers "while serving those who love gambling.

Flutter's profit, which also owns Jackpot City and Play Fortuna, fell 70% to £ 24m in August due to coronavirus and merger costs. The company is committed to the further development of online poker and games.

Positive change

Mr. Watson said: “I have a long-standing interest in this sector and have consistently called for action to protect those who may be potentially vulnerable to harm.

“By taking on this role at Flutter, I intend to get under the hood of the business.

He added: "I strongly believe that this collaboration with Flutter will enable me to continue to drive positive change."

Mr. Watson had previously called for an end to t-shirt gambling advertising, and the ban on television advertisements during live broadcasts, dubbed gambling, was a "hidden epidemic."
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