Gaming machines of which developers are presented in BGO casino

14 січня 2019, 16:23
Gaming machines of which developers are presented in BGO casino
Read also: BGO Casino review on Star Gambling.

BGO Casino offers over 250 slots from the world's leading developers: Microgaming, NeTent, YGGDRASIL.

Among them - The Dark Knight and Tunzamunni with the largest winning funds, 3D Big Bad Wolf Ragnarok slots with stunning graphics.

The percentage of return on slots from Microgaming, which are presented in BGO casinos, is quite high: 96-98%! And the Swedish concern NeTent traditionally pleases customers with very favorable payout ratios. Note that the software from Microgaming, which is used by the casino, provides ample opportunities for players. In particular, the software has been translated into Russian and it is possible to place bets in rubles, and in the summer of 2016, the first online slot for the Samsung Galaxy Gear smartwatch was developed.

Basic information about BGO Casino

It is noteworthy that the BGO casino appeared on the basis of a bingo platform and powered by BGO Casino is registered in Alderney, UK. The institution has a British license, but operates around the world. The site uses software from several developers at once, the service software is reliable and of high quality. The site operates in several languages, and the main language is English. Unfortunately, there is no Russian-language version of the casino.
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