How is the honesty of an online casino evaluated?

02 грудня 2020, 16:01
How is the honesty of an online casino evaluated?
Experienced gamblers who compose the casino ratings take into account several questions.

Regulatory certification does not always determine a club's integrity. This document can be revoked at any time.

Do bonus options give real benefits. A striking example is the no deposit bonus. This is mainly issued to beginners for registration. The user can get free spins or several hundred virtual dollars to the account. However, if the operator of the club offers to wager this bonus within the next 24 hours, it is unlikely that a beginner will have a chance to get at least some benefit.

How the support service is organized. Today, only a casino that has a real team of employees can obtain a license. This is mainly about feedback. In clubs, when contacting the chat, a gambler receives a response from a real person, and not from an automatic program.

How long it takes to withdraw funds from the cash register. First, the reality of the conclusion is verified. Second, the timing of transfers is assessed. If a period of 5 working days for bank cards is considered normal, then transfers to Yandex, Qiwi and WebMoney wallets should not take more than two days.
Do the slot machines match the originals? For this, the developer's site and the original demo version of one of the slots are taken. This device is compared with the one on the showcase of the club. If there are any differences in graphics, special effects, and control panel design, then it is a fake.

Anyone can check the casino for payouts. To do this, you need to make a minimum deposit and immediately apply for a withdrawal. In the licensed club, the following awaits the visitor:

The administration will take a commission of 10-15% if the funds on the deposit were not used for bets in slots. This is done in order to comply with one of the main rules of the regulator regarding the fight against money laundering. Many swindlers deposit money at the cashier of the clubs and then withdraw it to third-party accounts without scrolling. Such transactions are considered illegal.

The player will be required to provide passport data. Verification is one of the main criteria for licensed institutions. Personal identification is needed to protect the user's money and to prevent the player from registering a second account. Playing with two or more profiles is punishable by blocking.
Рубрика "Блоги читачів" є майданчиком вільної журналістики та не модерується редакцією. Користувачі самостійно завантажують свої матеріали на сайт. Редакція не поділяє позицію блогерів та не відповідає за достовірність викладених ними фактів.
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