Intersog offers a full cycle of software development and maintenance services. Terms of cooperation are traditionally flexible, allowing to optimize time and financial costs for development.
The competence of our team allows:
- development of applications "from scratch", while determining whether it will be a web application, or a full-fledged application software;
- finalization of the functionality of current applications in the form of plugins, updates within the current system, individual functional blocks, or API for interacting with other systems;
- preparation of IT infrastructure for the project, service support after the implementation of the product, the formation of technical and user documentation.
Our portfolio contains applications in the areas- web application development
- business application development
- improvements to open source systems
- business process automation solutions
- electronic document management systems for commercial and government organizations
- systems for corporate communications and interaction
- IT process automation solutions
Our team is built on the principle of turnkey project implementation and includes its own analyst, a group of developers with an architect and a tester. We prepare solutions taking into account the production characteristics and corporate culture of the Customer.
Depending on the client's expectations for project management, we form a role model of project management, including participants from both sides. The rules for working on a project are established depending on its main limitations (terms, territorial dispersion, conditions for launching a product, etc.).
Рубрика "Блоги читачів" є майданчиком вільної журналістики та не модерується редакцією. Користувачі самостійно завантажують свої матеріали на сайт. Редакція не поділяє позицію блогерів та не відповідає за достовірність викладених ними фактів.