Online casinos in Germany

12 січня 2021, 15:23
Read More: Popular online casinos in Germany - Star Gambling

Germany is one of the top European countries in terms of the popularity of gambling, especially in terms of online gambling.

There are avid gamblers in the country who spend their time in many European online casinos seeking to make a profit purely for entertainment purposes.

The country has a complex legal history of gambling, but in general, land-based casinos and some forms of online gambling are legal, including sports betting and casino games. However, the number of German online casinos is too small and Germans prefer to play in online casinos licensed by the Malta Gambling Authority. While this is not technically legal, it is also not illegal, falling under the gray area of ​​gambling law. Thus, German gamers cannot be prosecuted for playing at offshore online casinos. These online casinos are often available in German, use the euro as their currency, and offer top tier games and numerous security measures to keep players safe.

As a German player, you can expect to play at the most reliable online casinos on the planet, as these operators are often licensed by the MGA, the most respected regulatory body in the market. What's more, German gamers can look forward to online casinos, which often have over 1000 games of all kinds developed by leading software companies. Of course, bonuses play a big role in the online world as well, and Germans can take advantage of numerous welcome bonuses and free spins that can easily double your bankroll.

Want to get started? Check out our reviews for more details on each of our popular online casinos. Regardless of your choice, you cannot take a wrong turn here. All German online casinos featured on our site have been carefully reviewed by our team of experts, so you can only expect quality and safety.

Mobile casinos in Germany

Online casinos and mobile casinos mean the same thing nowadays. Online casinos without mobile support are dead, as they automatically lose more than half of their existing and potential customers. In recent years, the number of mobile games has increased significantly, and today over 50% of all online bets are placed through smartphones or tablets.

Germany, a preeminent country in terms of technological progress, is ranked 9th in the world in terms of smartphone penetration, which means that more than 70% of the country's population of more than 80 million people have smartphones. The most popular devices in the country are Samsung and Apple products. Namely, the iPhone 7 and 8 models as well as the Samsung Galaxy S7 and S8 models.
Рубрика "Блоги читачів" є майданчиком вільної журналістики та не модерується редакцією. Користувачі самостійно завантажують свої матеріали на сайт. Редакція не поділяє позицію блогерів та не відповідає за достовірність викладених ними фактів.
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