30 березня 2013, 19:10

Ось пісня, або вірш, або... Шукаю назву, або ім"я автора, або... 8;-)

Baby, I wanted to share..
..My thoughts, my feelings and
 What makes me despair...
I want to share with you
What makes me happy;
what makes me feel blue..
So you can sense that my love..
.Imaginary world where I don't belong
The only thing that keeps me here is you...
.Kissing me softly holding me tightly....

I want to be the one you talk about when you talk to your friends about the one you loving....
I want to be the one you can run to the one you can confide in...
I want to be the one to keep you warm when its cold...
give you a hand to hold....
Someone to depend on when life gets rough...
When your not here pictures and dreams just aren't enough...
Baby! Sometimes I cant find the words to describe your beauty....
and don't disagree, you look pretty damn hot to me...
I want to be the one to loosen the cuffs when they too tight....
I'm the one that will have you smiling from the break of dawn till the late night...
Cause the truth is if the angel of death came to me tonight to take me off this earth...
My last wish would be to see your face first...
Cause I know there is no angel that could ever match your beauty and style...
Nobody on heaven or earth can come close to that beautiful smile...

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