Features of the gambling business in the provinces of Canada

28 січня 2021, 16:12
Власник сторінки
Features of the gambling business in the provinces of Canada
Gambling in online slots in Canada is an excellent opportunity for gamers.

Since the legislative provisions of the provinces differ, the gambling business itself is characterized in different ways. In some provinces you can play from the age of 18, in others - from 19.

Somewhere only lotteries are allowed, and somewhere - full-fledged casinos, bets and horse racing.

Below is a brief description of the gambling business in selected Canadian provinces:

    Alberta - the age limit is 18. Casino gambling, lotteries and betting are allowed;
    British Columbia - casinos, horse racing, bingo and lotteries, slot machines are available from the age of 19. There is a legal portal BCLC - the British Columbia Lottery Corporation;
    Labrador - games are available from the age of 19. Legalized offline and online lotteries, as well as horse racing. As for online lotteries, only state-run lotteries are allowed, which is satisfied by the province;
    Manitoba - The age limit is 18. The province has casinos, lotteries and horse races;
    Newfoundland - can be played from the age of 19, betting on the races. Offline lotteries are also allowed. Online lottery - provincial only;
    Northwest Territories - only from 19 years old and only a state lottery;
    Nova Scotia - age limit from 19 years old. There are casinos, bookmakers, offline lotteries and a state online lottery;
    Ontario - games are available from the age of 19, casinos, bookmakers, lotteries operate on the territory. Provincial internet lottery allowed;
    Prince Edward Island - Playable from age 19. An interesting feature is racino, a hybrid of a casino and a betting tote. Private lotteries and state online lottery are allowed;
    Quebec - age limit from 18 years old. There are several online and offline lotteries, poker rooms, casinos and horse races;
    Saskatchewan - Games are allowed from the age of 19. Legalized online lottery from the province, as well as offline lotteries, casinos, bookmakers and racino;
    Yukon - gambling is available from the age of 19. Government and private lotteries and non-profit casinos are allowed.
Рубрика "Блоги читачів" є майданчиком вільної журналістики та не модерується редакцією. Користувачі самостійно завантажують свої матеріали на сайт. Редакція не поділяє позицію блогерів та не відповідає за достовірність викладених ними фактів.
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