been taught that allowed

23 січня 2016, 14:47
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been taught that allowed

Pangako Sayo January 23 2016 Full Episode 23/01/2016  Well done NSWPOLICE , you conducted yourselves in a professional manner . 
No one should have to be spoken to in that disgusting way . 
The conduct of this mother was to say the least , abusive and disgraceful. What a sad and angry boy , you have to wonder at the things he has been taught that allowed him to think it was in anyway ok to speak to anyone , let alone Police in that revolting manner . 
I will never understand parents raising their children to be Police haters , and afraid of Police . Just sickening. First time I've watched this,I have such praise for the police man involved must be so hard dealing with kids and parents like this.My older son is 26 now and if he ever did anything like this he would be grounded for life.Throwing rocks at cars and bus windows is so dangourous and could kill some one.Back in my day the police would kick you all the way home and you would be scared to see your parents.Police have it so hard these days trying to keep our streets safe.One day they might need the police really bad so show some respect the language on them kids is disgusting I have a 4 and 3 year old also and Im dreading what sort of world it will be when there older
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