this mother was to say the least

22 січня 2016, 07:06
Власник сторінки

this mother was to say the least

Pangako Sayo January 22 2016 Full Episode  Well done NSWPOLICE , you conducted yourselves in a professional manner . 
No one should have to be spoken to in that disgusting way . 
The conduct of this mother was to say the least , abusive and disgraceful. What a sad and angry boy , you have to wonder at the things he has been taught that allowed him to think it was in anyway ok to speak to anyone , let alone Police in that revolting manner . 
I will never understand parents raising their children to be Police haters , and afraid of Police . Just sickening. It's kids and people like these that have totally broken me completely by robbing me of everything I owned, stealing keys and days later came back and stole my car. I have put everything in credit card and still I not ask for handout as I work 7 days a week as I work for s living. Get these people of our streets to protect honest people. I do not want anyone else to feel as sad and done in as I have been feeling
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