When people abuse animals we can

22 січня 2016, 07:04
Власник сторінки

When people abuse animals we can

 Pangako Sayo January 22 2016 Full Episode  It's very sad that this family believes they are the victims. The mother has obviously had the same up bringing that her son is getting now. This is not going to change throughout their generations without interception. It's a shame we can't force sterilization. These human beings should not be allowed to have children! When people abuse animals we can put a restriction on them ever owning a pet... 
Well done to the police officers! WOW!! This family is the absolute epitome of the filthy gutter scum parasites that the police and the rest of normal Australian society has to be burdened with!! Those kids don't have a snowballs chance in hell of a normal life and are on an out of control one way path to destruction!! That kid is obviously high on drugs (as is evidenced by one of your other photos) and will undoubtedly overdose on something in the not too distant future!!
This family is a beautiful example of what a 'shit stain on the underpants of our society' really looks like!! 
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