going way back through

22 січня 2016, 07:02
Власник сторінки

going way back through

Pangako Sa'yo January 22 2016 22/01/2016 Replay Full Episode Replay  It is occurring to me that this is a massive social issue going way back through the generations. Her bitterness and contempt is learned just as she teaches more of the same. It's so easy for us to look at this as an isolated incident and condemn her. That was my first reaction actually. If we want to understand this event we could even try to expand our thinking to look at her life's story in isolation too but I think that's not going far enough, to understand where she is coming from. 

I feel sorry for her and her family both past and present for its probable that her forebears have not enjoyed the freedom of choice and abundance of opportunities that many of us have in this great country and as such, have developed this shocking attitude towards authority and more importantly community. 

It will take a lot more than condemnation and public shaming of her and her family to change the direction of this and many more Aussie families with the same attitudes.
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