him what the further

22 січня 2016, 06:57
Власник сторінки

him what the further

Pangako Sa'yo January 22 2016 22/01/2016 Replay Full Episode Replay  Well done to the police officers wow some self control there ! What a horrid child and the mother standing up for him I would of told the to take him to the police station to show him what the further looks like for him if he continues this way. I think the mum needs some education on how to bring the kids up because it looks like th others in the video were not much better. So sad to see this generation growing up like this in this beautiful country we should have way more respect for the police officers they do a very hard job without much acknowledgment! I love that she tried to make this 'viral' to threaten the police... However, her son is the most foul mouthed little boy I've ever laid eyes on. What good does our future have? 
Good on the police, if I was in their position, I would have handcuffed him too, regardless of his age. He clearly has no respect, given the foul language coming out of his mouth. 
I am actually a bit lost for words. 
But I do love the fact that it's not just me that can see how rude these kids are!
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