resources like health care

22 січня 2016, 06:53
Власник сторінки

resources like health care

Ang probinsyano january 22 2016 full episode Just a suggestion but maybe she'd look after her childen if she had incentive... losing $50 a fortnight everytime one of her children got arrested... I'd sure feel better paying less tax or if that tax went to actual resources like health care ... not that it would ever actually happen because the system is designed for people born into getting payments not people who need it at a tough time in their life. this was handled really well. i lift my hat off to the blueboys for dealing with such a hard and delicate situation dealing with a minor with such volitile behavior. been in that situation myself its never pretty. interesting the mother of the boy tried to use the racist/stereo type card with the media This is soo sad. Knowing these children are going to amount to nothing in their lives being raised like this. They need removed from here and actually put in a rehab or some sort to help with the damage that has been done to them. No respect No manners No God in their life or they would not act like this. They are ruined.
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