matter what his actions

22 січня 2016, 06:49
Власник сторінки

matter what his actions

ang probinsyano january 22 2016 full episode Obviously this woman thinks that her son throwing rocks at cars and buses as well as using foul language is acceptable behaviour. Disgusting! All she has done is taught her son that he is and will always be a victim no matter what his actions are and that he is not accountable for anything but entitled to everything. She should also be held accountable for her son's actions seeing as she has no problem with him damaging property and putting people at risk of injury.She wanted it to go viral and it has, at that it shows the horrible lack of parenting skills she has.
I'm indigenous and you can bet your back side my kids are 3000x better then that! 
The wouldn't dream of being on the wrong side of the law. 
This kids seems accustomed to it. 
There are no excuses for shitty parenting.The funny thing is, we WILL help. In every circumstance, without fear or favour, we'll always be there to help. You can put up a video calling the cops pigs and dogs and whatever, but when you need help we'll always be there. That's how you know we're the good guys
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