Dad comes into station

22 січня 2016, 06:47
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Dad comes into station

Doble Kara January 22 2016 Full Episode Wish I could have videoed and posted similar from this week. Young offender arrested. Dad comes into station and is rude poo poo head while enquiring how long his 15 year old POS will be. Friends all sit on the front steps spitting and smoking and swearing until I had to get them moved on. Vile repugnant disrespectful bum bums. All of about 14 / 15 years old. I had to tell Dad that maybe he should learn some manners and respect. He told me he was older than me. I said maybe he should act it then. I also advised him that next time he came in and spoke like that he'd better hope I was still on light duties and not allowed on his side of the counter or he'd be in a cell next to his son. I just got back from Singapore, an amazing safe city where behaviour like this isn't tolerated no matter what colour your skin is! Zero tolerance they all would have been locked away!
I feel sorry for these kids, as they have never been taught respect nor ever received punishment from their "so called" parents when needed. The apples never fall far from the tree!
The police officers did an amazing job, I couldn't have been so tolerent. 
Australia needs to take a zero tolerance approach to this sort of anti-social behaviour, parenting isn't for everyone
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