was had very

22 січня 2016, 06:46
Власник сторінки

was had very

Pangako Sayo January 22 2016 Full Episode 22/01/2016  I am a proud Aboriginal woman I brought my five children up on my own not as a sole parent my partner and father of my chosen passed away. I therefore had to be a mum and dad to mine I was had very high expectations of them and they grew up how I wanted them to be as adults good members of society good parents themselves. Today all of my children grandchildren and one grandson are happy. Please don't stereotype what Aboriginal people are like as we all make the same choices as everyone else on how to live and bring up our children. Im am sick and tired of people playing the victim/minority/racist card.
If I found out my 12yo (now a full time employed, single parent raised man) was throwing rocks at vehicles, the police wouldn't have been needed. He would have been ounished at home and controlled. 
You woman arent a disadvantaged aboriginal, you are a lazy bludging, bad parent waste of space.
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