Stop Trade Union members discrimination in UkrSibbank BNP Paribas!

22 травня 2018, 00:44
Власник сторінки
всеукраїнська незалежна профспілка


On the 17-th of May 2018 Trade Union has carried out picketing of offices of JSC “UkrSibbank” (Andriivskaya str. 2/12) and the EBRD (Antonovicha str. 46-A).
The purpose of the measures was to stop the systemic pressure aiming the forced release and other cases of mobbing aginst the members of the Primary trade union organization of workers of PJSC “UkrSibbank” All-Ukrainian independent trade union “Zakhyst Pratsi”(Labor defense)(hereinafter Trade Union), since such actions violate of the Constitution of Ukraine, the Labor Code of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine “On Trade Unions , their rights and guarantees of operation “, as well as the policies of the BNP Paribas Group and the EBRD, which are shareholders of JSC” UkrSibbank “.
We stand firmly against the closure of a profitable branch of the bank №79, located in the city of Chortkiv in the Ternopil region, which is explained by odious and antisocial so-called. “Strategy of the Bank Development”. In fact, it is well known to everyone that the idea of ​​liquidation of the Chortkiv Branch of the Bank № 79 arose in the Administration of UkrSibbank only after the employees of the Branch #79 have joined Trade Union in order to protect their labor rights and interests.

Trade Union expresses its sincere gratitude to All-Ukrainian trade unions “Svoboda Pratsi”(Freedom of Labor), the Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Ukraine (KVPU) and “People’s Solidarity” for the joint support of our action.

Our requirements are simple and understandable:

 Immediately stop anti-European discriminatory practices in UkrSibbank. 
 To conduct official investigations of violations against the Trade Union. 
 To cancel the order concerning the closure of Branch number 79 as violating the legal rights and interests of the UkrSibbank employees. 
 Give the opportunity to work normally, which is the guaranteed right of every citizen in accordance with Art. 43 of the Constitution of Ukraine. 
 Establish a transparent and understandable system for raising wages and and paying the bonuses.

Press service of the All-Ukrainian independent trade union “Zakhyst Pratsi”(Labor defense).

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