Elections 2014

15 травня 2014, 14:37
Власник сторінки

Ukrainian citizens living in the period of economical and political crisis.
After the events on the Maidan, we have ability to choose 2 scenarios.
The scenario of losing chance to change quality of policy, because of the absence of cooperation among civil society representatives. And second scenario of win and qualitative changes, through cooperation active members of civil society, creation of capable management of intellectual, responsible elites

Ukrainian citizens living in the period of economical and political crisis.
After the events on the Maidan, we have ability to choose 2 scenarios.
The scenario of losing chance to change quality of policy, because of the absence of cooperation among civil society representatives. And second scenario of win and qualitative changes, through cooperation active members of civil society, creation of capable management of intellectual, responsible elites. 
The first scenario is typical for Egypt, where events in Tahrir square and the fight with the regime did not lead to radical democratic change. At the same time, the revolution in Tunisia became catalyst for democratic development of the country. 
The situation at the moment - on the territory of Ukraine is presidential election campaign, and elections of deputies and chairman of Kyiv city Council. At the same time, Southern and Eastern Ukraine is almost in a state of war. The police and the national security system is weak before as enemy as the Russia. Local government in the South and East is not so exposed to Putin, in contrast to the Crimean elites. They maintain neutrality, or take steps to preserve the unity of the country.

Based on the above factors, the main messages of the election campaign began values security and unity! Leader according to sociological surveys is Petro Poroshenko ( who created successful tandem with Vitali Klitschko and Yuriy Lutsenko), the second place going Yulia Tymoshenko (Her rating decrease due to the negative identification with "the last command, the old policy"). At constant introductory, Poroshenko will gain the victory at the elections. According to new Constitution Ukraine become parlamentory- presidential republic. And Prime Minister get more power! At the same time in the local elections, we see a new political forces, such as "Volya", "Peoples force", "Democratic Alliance" and others. These associations interesting and promising in development. Explain this hypothesis.
The values of the Maidan - equality, respect for human rights, the rule of law and others - should be displayed in political parties and movements 
Today, political parties are parties of the leader type, with the absence of clear ideological position! They weak in the work with the party structure, party building working with voters. The campaign is also largely based on the advertising direction. Often politicians both local and regional level often haven't knowledge in public administration, working in local government. Which leads to "political migration" from one party to another, regular rotation of brands with the same policies under different political brands. So the absence of clear ideological landmarks and values of community have been on the path of party building. A vivid example is the party of Poroshenko, which does not have a developed structure at the moment. 
So we need new approach to the construction of the vector of development of the Ukraine, which based on the value-guidelines formulated and common national idea and new political forces, intellectual elite, cooperated civil society! In such conditions of cooperation it will be able to bring Ukraine out of the political crisis and return of our territories.
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