Play free spin roulette from Star Gambling with track

11 березня 2021, 20:02
Власник сторінки
Play free spin roulette from Star Gambling with track
Play Spin Roulette online at Star Gambling Casino for a exclusive game.

If you value high-quality casino games, then the Star Gambling free spin roulette will delight you.

Spin roulette with a track is a modification of the classic game in which it is clear from the name that there is a track. It allows you to expand the betting options for the player.

The track is divided into four parts, each of which contains a specific group of numbers. By making a save for a part of the track, you close several numbers on the field at once according to the principle of their location on the wheel - Zero, Series0 / 2/3, Orphans, Series ⅝.

The game begins with the player choosing a table with the limits that suit him. There are three types of limits in the classic version of spin roulette - basic, medium and VIP. Accordingly, the higher the table level, the higher its limit. Your winnings are calculated according to the table below.

Spin roulette with a track is as similar as possible to the European version. As in the classic version, this free spin roulette from Star Gambling has 37 numbers, one zero, the ability to make internal and external bets.
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