Everything about Roulette Star Gambling

13 лютого 2019, 14:19
Everything about Roulette Star Gambling
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Roulette Star Gambling is one of the very old varieties of the popular gambling game, one of the few surviving ones among those invented by everyone after the roulette boom in Europe and later in NA.

In the nineteenth century, it could compete in popularity even with French roulette; few casinos did not install a table on their territory for playing La Star Gambling Roulette for money. However, over time, this variety was forgotten, and now almost no one knows anything about the exciting game.

In appearance and in general in the structure of this type of roulette lie the biggest differences from the French, which is the ancestor of this type of gambling.

Unlike the classic version, the wheel, in which the ball must stop and determine the winning color and number, is static, that is, it will not move. The ball is launched along an inclined rim, the whole structure looks like a groove with a small depression.

At the same time, online slots in La Star Gambling Roulette are also made completely differently, instead of sectors of the same size, there are holes on the wheel, in one of which the ball will eventually stop.

There are 36 such holes in total, but only 9 numbers are used. Zero is not provided, instead there is the number 5, it is colored yellow. Other cells are colored in the same way as in the classics - in black and red.

This principle hides the biggest disadvantage for a player in online roulette for money: the advantage of a casino in Star Gambling reaches 11%, which is several times higher than in European and even Star Gambling American Roulette.

Bets in the game Roulette Star Gambling

Table and bets When a player has registered and made a deposit at the online casino, he can launch the online Bullet Roulette slot and place the bets that he considers most appropriate. In total, he has several options:

  • One digit bet. Payouts when winning are 8 to 1, and the chance of winning is 8%.
  • Red or black. Normal bet on odds, 44% chance of success. Pay 1 to 1
  • Even or Odd. Also, a bet on the odds, you need to guess whether the number assigned to the slot where the ball stopped is divisible by two.
  • Greater or less. This is a bet on one of two groups of numbers: from 1 to 4 and from 6 to 9. Refers to bets on odds, because the probability of winning is 44%, and the payout is 1 to 1.
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