Let's look at some Blackjack casino examples

10 лютого 2021, 12:25
Let s look at some Blackjack casino examples
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Your cards are 4-3, the dealer has a six. We have 7 "hard" points, we look at table 2 and make a decision: take an additional card. Let's say it's an ace.

A hard combination turned into a soft one: 8 or 18 points on the hands. Table 3 shows that dialing should be stopped when the dealer has six;

Your cards are T-4, the dealer has a nine. Having 5 or 15 "soft" points, we use table 3 and take an additional card. Let it be a two, i.e. we have 7 or 17 points. We turn to table 3 again and get a new card. If it is 10, then there are 17 “hard” points on hand, and table 2 will show that it is time to stop. But if it is an ace, we have 8 or 18 points and according to table 3 we take the card again.

Source: https://stargambling.net/games/blackjack/
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