A variety of online roulette games at Star Gambling

30 січня 2021, 19:21
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A variety of online roulette games at Star Gambling
Play at Roulette online at Star Gambling - awarded Best Casino reviewer

Direct bet is a bet on one number. Unlike many other casino table games, you can place any number of bets.

Split - a bet on two numbers at once. Place a chip on a line between two adjacent numbers. If the ball lands on one of them, you will receive a win at a ratio of 17: 1.

Straight - a bet on three numbers that are located in a row in the number table on the roulette table. If you win, you will receive a payout with a ratio of 11: 1.

Angle (also called "square") is a bet on a block of four numbers. The chip must be placed at the intersection of all four numbers. The winnings are paid 8: 1.

A line is essentially two straight bets in one. This bet is placed on two adjacent "straights". To do this, the chip must be placed at the intersection of two "straights". The winnings are paid with a ratio of 5: 1.

Five numbers - this bet is only available in American Roulette. The bet is placed on zero and double zero, as well as on 1, 2 and 3. The chip must be placed on the line connecting zero, double zero, 1, 2 and 3.

A Neighbor Bet is a bet on five numbers that are next to each other on the wheel and not on the table, such as 15, 34, 22, 5, and 17. In American Roulette, this is called the "22 Neighbor Bet" (22 and neighbors).

The first 12 is a bet on the first dozen numbers on the table (1-12). This bet is placed on the "1st 12" sector on the table.

Second 12 - a bet on the second 12 numbers on the table (13-24). This bet is placed on the "2nd 12" sector on the table.

Third 12 - a bet on the third 12 numbers on the table (25-36). This bet is placed on the "3-and-12" sectors on the table.

1-18 is a bet on numbers from 1 to 18. It is made using a special sector on the roulette table.

19-36 is a bet on numbers from 19 to 36. It is made using a special sector on the roulette table.

Even is a bet on all even nomer. To place this bet, place your chip on the Even sector on the table next to Red.

Odd is a bet on all odd numbers. To make this bet, place your chip on the Odd sector on the table next to Black.

Black is a bet on all black numbers. To place this bet, place your chip on the Black sector.

Red is a bet on all red numbers. To place this bet, place your chip on the "Red" sector.
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