Eco Exploration announces appointment of Dr Frank Hughes to the Board of Directo

12 серпня 2013, 11:32
Власник сторінки

Eco Exploration Limited

CEO Mr. Andrew Davis at Eco Exploration, a precious metals exploration and mining company based in Santiago, Chile, is proud to announce the appointment of Dr. Frank Hughes to the company's Board of Directors effective as of 24th July, 2012.



Jul. 24, 2012  -  CEO Mr. Andrew Davis at Eco Exploration , A precious metals Exploration and Mining company based in Santiago, Chile, is Proud to announce the Appointment of Dr. Frank Hughes to the company's Board of Directors effective as of 24th July 2012.

Exploration Eco 's Agenda is to Explore, Develop and Extract precious Metal Resources in an ethically Considered to generate Manor High levels of return for Shareholders ITS.

Dr. Hughes read for his undergraduate degree at Harvard University, and graduated with a degree in Geology in 1978. He then proceeded to graduate with a doctorate in Mining Geology, from the Universidad de Chile, and has spent his extensive career of over 25 years in underground and Open Pit Mining of precious / base metals worldwide.

Hughes was A Registered Professional Engineer of British Columbia , and a Member of the Society of Mining Engineers of the US. During his career, he has worked with most of the larger organizations in the mining industry, and has developed an expert knowledge not only on the subject of mining geology, but also marketing, management and asset valuations / risk, thanks to his previous roles, and experience as an independent mining consultant. Dr. Hughes furthermore, is the author of several published articles in mining journals as well as newspapers in the US, and has previously served on the board of directors of 2 Other Mining companies.

Dr. Hughes' capacity to identify Early stage Projects with High Potential value, and ASSESS Risks, Will allow
Eco Exploration to Continue ITS defined Aggressive Strategy of expansion. Hughes has been instrumental in the valuation and acquisition of dozens of small mining companies across the globe over the last 15 years, making him the ideal candidate to identify such potential assets for Eco Exploration, and to manage the acquisition process. Since joining Eco Exploration, Dr. Hughes' has identified mineral reserves at a several Peruvian sites that are currently undergoing preliminary feasibility studies. Dr. Hughes Will now be preparing and Implementing the next phase of Exploration of These assets.

Eco Exploration 's Principal Geologist, Dr. Javier Sanz said "having seen such impressive results from our work in the El Indio belt area, we are confident that the addition of Dr. Hughes vast experience will facilitate our further successes in our new territories".




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