Ph.D., a member of the European Association for
Some the issue of the day of socially-psychological orientation is
examined in organization of safe vital functions of children Krivoy Rog and
ways of their decision.
Examining the problems of education in the conditions of permanent
development of modern society, it is impossible not to affect socially -
psychological problems of safe vital functions of rising generation in our
country (in particular in our place).
Except for the modern civilization and scientific and technical
progress, on a child excessive tension influences because of collision with
unforeseen factors. In the last few years such phenomena, as demographic
crisis, destruction of institute of family, growth of level of the so-called
"social orphanhood" at living parents, entered in our public way of
life. In connection with the acceleration of rate life and by the increase of
responsibility growing psychological tension; adaptive reactions predetermine
multiplying the expenses of vitamins and microelements which finally tailings
results in their deficit. All of it is removed on a health people, on the
demographic state of affairs of population of city.
Today Krivoy Rog is occupied by not only the first place among the
countries of the CIS on the amount of the harmful emissions per capita but also
am a record-holder on the negative indexes of health. General morbidity for the
last 5 years grew in 5,4 times. First seats are taken by illnesses of organs
breathing, systems of circulation of blood and digestion, complication of
pregnancy and births. Most anxiety will be caused by the fact of growth of
amount of malignant new formations. For example, if at the end of 80th years on
100 thousands the population of Ukraine was registered 250 patients on a
cancer, in Krivoy Rog - 324. Strike the rates of growth of this disease: if on
the last years of existence of Soviet Union frequency of cancer of lights growing
on 38%, on Ukraine - on 33%, after Krivoy Rog - on 85%!
A serious anxiety will be caused by the state of health of schoolboys of
city and children of preschool age, because per every mil of children 1600-1700
diseases are registered. To 70% diseases of children make lungs pathology. For
the last 8-10 years substantially became more frequent chronic pathology of
overhead respiratory tracts, and also metabolic disturbance and immune
deficiency disease.
The level of criminality increases threatening rates, in particular case
young people and juvenile, alcoholism, prostitution and drug dependence,
displays of aggressiveness and drawing to suicide. All of it presents a serious
public threat.
From data of statistics on 2012, in Krivoy Rog 100 thousands of minor are counted
higher. For implementation of the Complex program of prophylaxis of criminality
on 2009-2012
a management and departments of formation of
executive committees of city and district soviets was conduct work, directed on
warning of accomplishing of criminal acts, vagrancies among schoolboys and
For 12 months of 2011 on a city 92 students of general educational
establishments are commit 50 crimes. As compared to 2010
there is an amount of students, committing crimes, diminished on 6,5 %, and
crimes on 5 %.
If to appeal individually to consisting of every district, amount of
students which committed crimes and amount of crimes accordingly will look
thus: Dzerzhinsk is a district-18\13; Dovgintsevskiy
In IX quarter of 2011 accomplished 12 students of schools of city 16 crimes
after such articles - 186(October district -1 crime); 185 - Dzerzhinsk - 1,
October - 3, Ternovskiy - 2; 187 it is Dzerzhinsk - 2, Ternovskiy - 1, item 289
is Dzerzhinsk - 2, October - 1, Ternovskiy - 1; 115- Ternovskiy are 2 crimes.
Therefore the acquaintance of teenagers with the basic laws of criminal
code of Ukraine must become one of main tasks of school because not knowledge
of laws schoolboys do not release them from responsibility before Law.
The obvious is become by a public awareness that reasons of all these
confusions are covered not so much in a financial structure how many in a
spiritual sphere in human consciousness.
The scientific practical decision
of these problems is related to forming of new complex scientific direction is
ecology of human, which develops the long-term prognoses of the state health of
population and measures what strategically can
provide saving and strengthening of health of people of both present and
future generations.
The health of child is determined the complex of associate factors: by
heredity, quality of environment, and way of life. Therefore forming of healthy
way of life for children and young people of Krivoy Rog, education in them of
the valued attitude toward the health can be examined as one of the most
effective ways of decision of problem of saving of health of nation.
In understanding of teenagers to become adults to need the awareness of own independence in all
types of activity (cognitive, labor, play, sport, etc.) and all types of
intercourse (with junior students, adults, persons of the same the age,
parents, friends at the place of residence, with schoolboys in formal and
informal associations).
Independence, as is generally known, has a display in that, that in this
age-old period consciousness is intensively formed for teenagers and they begin
convincingly to prove the "rightness of the ideas, judgments, ideals, aspirations,
etc. Exactly for teenagers interest rises to itself, to the "me".
Existent prohibitions to his conduct, a teenager already does not arrange. For
this reason, I. D. Bekh underlines: “He is offended and comes in indignation,
if with him behave, as with little... Former relationships it is already
dissatisfied with the adults of him. He wants to see respect to himself, a
trust from the side of adult, equal relation, hopes granted on autonomy for
him” [1, p.121]. Unfortunately, adults not always see new in conduct teenagers
that in them appeared and do not change the attitude toward them.
As teenagers, as a rule, are evened on adults, their adultness can be
formed in general with by the adults of work, on employments, on collective
businesses of commons, etc.
Therefore I. Bekh justly passes remark, that a teenager «waits a help
and support from adult, but does not want openly it to acknowledge» [1, p.
122]. Nevertheless adults (in particular case educators, teachers) must see,
understand and perceive internal positions of teenagers.
The collaboration of adults and teenagers can put a teacher in position
of comrade, but different from the "comrade -person of the same the age
". On the view of scientist, slogan the "Adult comrade
alongside" is the major condition of safe social vital functions of
Communication is a social environment in which can the most effectively
form lines of personality of teenager. We deemed it wise to spare the special
attention a problem of intercourse of teenagers at schools, as it is impossible
to disagree with a mental look And. Bekha: «Teenager inherent uncontrollable
urge to communicate, to the collective, to the general activities with friends.
This commitment is important to be harnessed and the role of the flock can take
over the adult [1, p.123].
We have identified some of the provisions concerning the organization of
educational work with teenagers who positively (or negatively) affect the
formation of the individual young person in their life:
1. Adults (parents and teachers) in most cases "run into negativism
of teenagers", as the last "experience difficulty of forming of human
dignity pretty sharply". As a result: "Ununderstanding is a typical
picture of mutual relations of adults and teenagers".
2. Personal communication is the leading teenage age.
3. Educational and professional activities in adolescents as a lead.
4. Dependence on elders pretty often passes to the personality line
which has the name "dependence". For this reason both a high
intellect and bad self-understanding “can coexist in one personality...”
5. The main indicator of mental development of adolescents is the level
of his consciousness and identity, which allows him to plan their future
6. Awareness of young people the importance of such personality traits
as "responsibility", which is also one of the main parameters of the
individual and the exponent of its maturity. The lack of quality leads to the
absence of such ability as the ability to feel guilt and they own inability to critically
perceive themselves.
7. In juvenile age before the pupils "opens the whole complexity of
the environment, social life ". Lack of life experience of adolescents
complicates the ability to see the formation of "inner world" of
human and therefore they perceive another simplistic, according to his views.
8. Teenager is able to understand value of the actions in 14 years, that
means to understand content of own conduct, foresee it results, estimate the
conduct and manage it.
9. If independence of teenagers is depressed, they easily are under
negative influence and they can "make crimes, or be their victims".
Thus, working out higher adopted problems, there must be a search of
more adequate requirements of modern life of ways and forms of organization of
safe vital functions of the young generation. It is one of most the issue of
the todays.
1. Bekh I. D. Education of personality: In 2 b. Book 2: Personally the
oriented approach: scientific and practical basis. - К.: Lybed, 2008.-
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