Standart Blackjack tables by Star Gambling

05 лютого 2021, 14:31
Власник сторінки
Standart Blackjack tables by Star Gambling
What should you not do at a Blackjack tables?

Like many other games, blackjack most likely has several historical roots.

Therefore, it is not surprising that in different countries, and in different casinos, the rules of the game are somewhat different. In Moscow and other Russian cities, so-called English blackjack is usually played, and in the gambling capital Las Vegas, like in other American gambling centers, the game is arranged a little differently. But even in Moscow gambling establishments, the variety of blackjack options is quite impressive. We will temporarily postpone the study of all these varieties and choose a very specific option, which we will consider thoroughly. Since this option is taken as a basis in most Russian casinos, we will conditionally call it standard.

Now we will get acquainted with the rules of standard blackjack, after which we will move on to the strategy of the game. And, of course, let's not forget about deviations from the standard we have adopted.

Blackjack table of the famous Italian firm Abbiati

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