Gaza,Lebanon ,Yemen and Iran Creating Terror States- Israeli Foreign Minister

06 грудня 2024, 19:03
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Awarded Academic & Journalist
Gaza,Lebanon ,Yemen and Iran Creating Terror States- Israeli Foreign Minister
Photo Credit-Euro News

Israel's Foreign Minister Gideon Sa'ar Claims that Gaza,Lebanon,Yemen and Iran are Creating Terror States

Ratnesh Dwivedi, Collaborating Analyst, OCATRY at INISEG and Blogger at "The Korrespondent"

New Delhi, Dec 6,2024.Over the past year, the world has been exposed to the apparatus Iran has built across the Middle East. Iran has established a new phenomenon that the world has not encountered before—terror states.

In Gaza, Lebanon, and Yemen, terror states have been created by terror organizations.

These are not merely terror organizations as we have known in the past. When these organizations control territory, govern civilians, and build significant military infrastructures, their strength is entirely different—similar to that of armies rather than organizations. Moreover, jihadist terror states cannot be deterred in the same way as “conventional” states.

Just prior to the start of the war, Hezbollah’s missile arsenal was larger than that of most countries in the world.

What the Houthis’ pirate terror state is inflicting on international trade and maritime transport in the Red Sea is unfathomable. It is hard to believe that the international community has yet to impose order and ensure free global trade against it.

The terror kingdom Hamas built—both above and below ground—following Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza in 2005, is the one that launched its war against Israel on October 7, 2023.

Please note: Israel has been attacked from all these fronts, as well as from Iran and Iraq—most are countries with which we do not even share a border. Israel has not initiated attacks on any front; we have only responded to them.

What is common to all these terror proxies? All have been supported, funded, trained, equipped, and directed by Iran.

Iran attacked Israel twice this year, in April and October, by launching hundreds of missiles. We responded to each attack. after the second attack, we struck back in a clever and decisive way.

Iran is the head of the octopus which is destabilizing the region and undermining peace and security throughout the Middle East. They openly declare and act upon their explicit goal to annihilate the State of Israel.

If this is what they have done over the past year without the shield of nuclear weapons, imagine what they will do if, God forbid, they possess such weapons.

This is most likely the last opportunity the international community has to prevent such a catastrophic development, which threatens peace and security not only in our region but across the entire world.

The Wall Street Journal Says,“From the people who brought you “Israeli apartheid” comes another trendy smear: “Israeli genocide.” With a new report: Amnesty International assures its good standing in the anti-Israel herd. The price is to swallow an inversion of reality.

“Gaza wasn’t occupied, and Hamas, not Israel, embarked on a military offensive. But Amnesty says it will get to the Hamas mass murder later. Here it uses the Oct. 7 massacre to pathologize the Israeli “state of mind resulting from the attacks.” 

“While Amnesty uses the casualty figures of the “Gaza-based Ministry of Health,” aka Hamas, it never mentions that Israel says 17,000 dead Hamas fighters are among them. It omits the crucial civilian-to-combatant ratio, which would suggest Israel has done better than most in urban warfare.”

“The report essentially blesses Hamas’s strategy of using human shields. It suggests Israel has no right to attack in civilian areas even if Hamas is using them, just as it wouldn’t if some enemy soldiers had gone home on leave. As if that’s equivalent to terrorist headquarters in hospitals and a 400-mile, terrorist-only tunnel system beneath cities.”

“Amnesty even criticizes Israel for evacuating civilians from active war zones. This, too, becomes evidence of “genocidal intent” because it displaces the civilians. But Amnesty also criticizes Israel as genocidal in cases where it didn’t evacuate civilians. The game is to twist international law until Israel—or the U.S.—has no way to fight against terrorists.”

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