Features of the hotel Tropicana Casino and Resort in Atlantic City

09 грудня 2020, 15:38
Features of the hotel Tropicana Casino and Resort in Atlantic City
Read more about Tropicana online casino on Star Gambling site.

In the heart of Atlantic City is the 4-star Tropicana Casino and Resort. This fairly large complex is literally a 5-minute walk from the convention center. Also has beach access.

The main feature of this complex is its well-developed infrastructure. It positions itself as a casino hotel. It has 18 different restaurants with varied menus and a nightclub. All rooms are very spacious and air conditioned. Each has free Internet and TV.

Hotel reservation

You can book a room at Tropicana Casino and Resort through the online service on our website.

Prices for hotel accommodation - from 60 USD per day.

In the first place in the ranking remains the market leader with many years of experience - Borgata Casino, which received $ 800 million in revenue in 2017.
Local analysts Star Gambling report that the casino has undergone significant modifications over the past 8 years. So, previously, the tenants of the hotel complex and the players complained about unsanitary conditions, impolite staff and low level of service.
Then there were mass layoffs, as a result of which about 900 people lost their jobs. However, after that, the institution remained in bad favor with tourists and players for many years.
In March 2010, billionaire investor Carl Icahn received a court order to buy Tropicana. The new owner invested a significant amount in real estate, hired a new management team.
Since 2012, Tropicana Entertainment has spent $ 200 million on restoration work that affected most hotel rooms and casinos. Thus, new restaurants and 330 rooms have appeared in the casino resort.

Today, the institution employs a large number of employees of the Taj Mahal casino, which recently experienced massive layoffs.

Source: https://stargambling.net/casinos/review/
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