Hands off from union leader Bogdan Shvayka!!!

10 січня 2014, 08:21
Власник сторінки
всеукраїнська незалежна профспілка
Hands off from union leader Bogdan Shvayka!!!

On the 8 January 2014 took place another brutal attempt by the administration of the Kyiv Zoo to sack Bogdan Shvaika, member of the Central Committee of Zakhyst Pratsi trade union, hero of Euromaidan

Аppeal for solidarity

On the 8 January 2014 took place another brutal attempt by the administration of the Kyiv Zoo to sack Bogdan Shvaika, member of the Central Committee of ‘Zakhyst Pratsi’ trade union, hero of Euromaidan defense and head of the birds department at the Kyiv Zoo. Animal rights advocate and union leader Bogdan Shvaika is well-known to Kyiv public as author of numerous investigative articles about illegal activities of the Kyiv Zoo administration. Despite the fact that Bogdan was officially on the sick leave, and despite the fact that union committee of ‘Zakhyst Pratsi’ has provided a grounded legal rejection to the request of the Kyiv Zoo administration to allow sacking Bogdn Shvaika, - the corrupt zoo administration which is itself living through its last days – has dared to make another provocation.
 We are convinced that corrupt Zoo administration will receive a massive fightback from union activists. Legal department of the ‘Zakhyst Pratsi’ trade union is going to file a legal case acc. to art. 172 of the Ukrainian Criminal Code ‘Brutal violation of labor legislation’ against every single Zoo administration representative involved in criminal actions against our union leader Bogdan Shvaika!

Oleg Vernyk, 
Chairman of the Central Committee,
‘Zakhyst Pratsi’
All-Ukrainian Independent Trade Union
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