The economy of any state are natural monopolies because society produced such tactics behavior: rigid state control.
monopoly - industry, where long-term average costs reach a minimum only if
one firm serves the whole market altogether. With natural monopolies, which are
based on economies of scale, closely related to monopoly, based on possession
of unique natural resources.
The idea of monopoly
regulation occurred very recently. Motivation for the introduction of state
monopoly regulation to society is obvious. If the company is a monopoly in
certain markets of goods and services, operates without restrictions from the
outside, quickly offered her the price of goods / services are increasing and
their quality is rapidly falling. Why try to better organize their work if
there is no competition and your products / services still rozkupovuyutsya?
Impending use of the most progressive technology.
In such a situation without government
regulation can not do, otherwise it will lead to degradation of monopoly and a
negative impact on consumers. It would seem that social state has put strict
limits on monopoly - and the consumer will be satisfied. However, to meet
consumer and identify giant for extremely low prices and tough working
conditions, too, is not the right solution.
of Ukraine "On natural monopolies. The total essence of the Law
Under pressure from powerful forces interested
in the preservation of losing control of the sphere, the law would not take
Law of Ukraine on natural monopolies defines
legal, economic and organizational principles of state regulation of natural
monopolies in Ukraine.
The purpose of this Act is to ensure the
effective functioning of markets that are natural monopolies, based on
balancing the interests of society, natural monopolies and consumers of their
The bodies that regulate the
activity of natural monopolies
In world practice, happened several ways of
forming a system of regulation, which may make such regulation:
- the relevant sectoral ministries;
- competition authorities;
- independent
regulatory commission.
Ukraine still not selected a model of reform.
There is a practice of adjusting the first type - branch offices, and who are
the subjects of regulation, and agencies that directly manage enterprises
monopolies and related markets. Intersection of regulatory and commercial
functions, the combination of management and business often leads to the fact
that these agencies unwittingly trying to help and contribute to certain
subjects, and this leads to discrimination and other market participants in
violation of the principle of equality among all the competition.
In fact, antitrust
authorities should exercise control function. Reliance on antitrust authorities
to control certain parameters in the production monopolies distract them from
the main task and hinders the effective performance of their primary
responsibilities - the protection of competition.
Ukraine has rather a scattered system of state
regulation of natural monopolies, denying the effectiveness of its regulation.
As a result, Ukraine has not yet created the necessary network of national
sectoral commissions regulating natural monopolies. There are only National
Energy Regulatory Commission and National Regulatory Commission.
Рубрика "Блоги читачів" є майданчиком вільної журналістики та не модерується редакцією. Користувачі самостійно завантажують свої матеріали на сайт. Редакція не поділяє позицію блогерів та не відповідає за достовірність викладених ними фактів.