Golden Star Casino Review and Rating 2021 by Star Gambling

15 березня 2021, 12:07
Власник сторінки
Golden Star Casino Review and Rating 2021 by Star Gambling
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Golden Star Casino is one of the true hybrid casinos when it comes to payments. We've given it this rating because we think it's doing many things well, however, there is something holding it back.

Golden Star Casino belongs to Aland Company and is licensed and controlled by the local Aland government. This casino is unique in the sense that its profit goes to good causes and charities. The company was founded in 1966 by charities and the casino runs online as well on land and sea.

Playing at Golden Star Casino is sure to be a unique experience as they develop their own unique games. Players at the site are offered the regular games including slots, video poker, blackjack, roulette game, baccarat and red dog. The casino offers over 21 video poker titles, 86 slot games and enough variety of blackjack and roulette. All the profits earned by the site go to non-profit organization and good causes.

Members at Golden Star Casino get to enjoy live roulette free play as well as special tournaments and promotions. The site is currently running a promotion where winners get to win a fishing trip to Aland for ten. Further, the casino listens to the opinion of their players and makes changes as requested by players. Recently the site offered full screen mode for game play as well as released new improved game listings.

There are different payment methods available for depositing and withdrawing funds, some of which are Neteller, Visa, Mastercard, Band transfer and Paysafecard. Customer support is available by phone and email with the helpdesk open from 7 to 22 GMT. The only drawback of this casino is they don’t offer 24 hours customer support nor do they have a live chat feature.

Golden believes in responsible gaming and offers all the help required to those in need. The casino has built its reputation on safety and responsibility and takes this aspect seriously. Players are invited to visit the casino with their friends and enjoy hours of online casino games including exclusive games like Cash and Carry slot. Members at the site do not have to worry about fairness as the casino abides by Star Gambling and offers a payout of 98%.

There have been some big wins at the site with the latest being that of a Finnish player winning €6.9 million wagering just two Euros on the Mega Fortune slot game on 18th January 2012. Last year the site paid over €5.3 million to another lucky winner who won a jackpot.

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