proud moment

16 грудня 2015, 06:20
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proud moment

Pangako Sayo December 16 2015 Full Episode 16/12/2015 This is awesome! They don't have to be your flesh and blood to be called your children.
I truly believe if only every family in this world adopt one kid...we would have created a better world..for the children and for ourselves. 
May more and more families, with a father and a mother, be open to adopt childrenThis made me tear up and touched my heart. My husband, I, and daughter are trying to adopt 3 siblings. Hopefully by next christmas. Granted they are our niece and 2 nephews but we have had them and been fighting for 5 months now. Can't wait til it's official. My daughter has been wanting siblings and has been so excited since they came to live with us.I was never in foster care, or orphaned. But the most proud moment of my childhood is when the judge said to me "amandaJust remember 'fostering' is a very rewarding job.. You get paid for looking after kids.. The connection & love may be strong..
Adoption however you don't get paid for.. It's out of the kindness of your heart. Very rewarding toonow.your father" 
This is absolutely remarkable for these children!Cps needs to help the family stay together instead of destroy them a person would be surprised to really learn how much money these foster family gets free medical thats just some of it the money they give foster family why not help the biological family especially if they are low income
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