trafficking for monetary

16 грудня 2015, 06:16
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trafficking for monetary

Doble Kara December 16 2015 Full Episode We were never foster parents, but we adopted seven children and they are all wonderful people. Yes, like many people, some of them have challenges (I do, too, by the way.) Biological children are not necessary born without issues that Audra raises. Yes, some are. Some develop issues after being adopted regardless. Some have no issues...yet. No one of us are perfect. Love is beautiful, however, and in the end it usually wins. I love our family for the special attributes of each of our children.The truth is DCS is targeting low income families who can't afford an attorney and using their court appointed attorneys to help DCS steal innocent struggling low income parents children , why ? , because DCS receives a grant for 80,000 dollars per child they put in foster care for one year and limited to collect for 2 years then they have to return children back to family members or adopt them out which DCS collects big for adopting these stolen children if a city takes 500 children they make 40 million dollars per year it's legal human trafficking for monetary gain of grant moneyI know someone personally who adopted twin girls through foster care. It was the happiest moment in her life, after caring for them for some time. There is always a chance during the waiting period when the birth parents can change their minds. My friend became the foster parent when the girls were 18 months old. She could have had them at birth had she known about adoption through foster care. She was told that girls have babies all the time and just leave them in hospitals, which is what happened to her girls.
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