looks like

16 грудня 2015, 06:08
Власник сторінки

looks like

Pangako Sayo December 16 2015 Full Episode 16/12/2015 To those who say don't expect this response if you foster or adopt children, that they are often angry, depressed and emotionally confused; I have to say these people are speaking from experience and just don't want people to go into the process with expectations of a childs gratitude! On the other hand this family looks like they knew exactly what they're doing and how these children would respond; finding adoptive parents for three siblings to remain together in the home that had been their foster home where they'd already bonded with the three biological children. I think the parents were very aware of how happy all six of the children would be!Nothing can explain the joy when a parent and child can reunite following a period of foster care and all foster parents work hard for that to happen when it is possible. I love them for that. In those cases when children need a permanent home it is wonderful when they can be adopted to one family together. God Bless these foster parents stepping forward to do just that!This just absolutely kills me. Just the headline brings tears to
My eyes. There has been nothing in my life that has come close the the experience of being an adoptive parent.Who knows what is the real story behind this. There are garbage parents out there as well as garbage government . Some of these foster kids have a good parent/s but they got trade by corrupt government and injustice system in exchange for money. In state of California for replacement of each kid,county makes $13k , so let's watch social service , foster home system and our children's rights closely . Universal Future of Children Rights.
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