While adoption
16 грудня 2015, 06:05
While adoption
Doble Kara December 16 2015 Full Episode What HuffPost missed with this clip is that adoption is very nuanced and potentially triggering. Society at large expects that adoption is a "happy" event. This stance does a HUGE disservice to those children who have lost their first families to become part of an adoptive family. While adoption is a valid way to form a family, it also carries with it life-long loss. To not validate this part of the equation is unfair and manipulative. It demands a silencing of the grief which is naturally part the adoption process and doesn't allow for the complexity of feelings associated therewith.Although sweet, as an adopted child who will adopt- adoption is NOT a gift no more than giving birth. My birth children are the gift to me. I would not place their birth certificates in a box under the tree as a present. It can't be considered a gift because they have no choice to be here but for my decision to bring them into my life. Although these children in the video may be happy, they have no choice to be foster kid or be adopted any more than being born. Speaking as one who was an orphan and foster child, my parents never made me feel as if my adoption was a gift. To have a loving family is a human right not a privilege granted by those who deem it upon another. I love my parents and family. My gratitude is unending but is mine to give. My parents NEVER expected my gratitude. They were my parents and raised me as their own no questions, no gratitude, no "gift".
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