Johnny when
16 грудня 2015, 06:01
Johnny when
Pangako Sayo December 16 2015 12 16 2015 Full Episode Replay My parents were Foster Parents - over 36 special kids - most were not adoptable because of their different circumstances. Then came Becky and Johnny when I was in middle school. Their mom had died and father was ill. Within a week of their arrival, we found out they had 2 younger brothers. My mom called their caseworker and told her to find a way to get those boys because all 4 kids deserved to be together. They arrived within a week! We were now a family of 10. My parents offered to adopt them, but they chose to be fosters so the boys could carry on their family name. Within a few months after their arrival, their father passed from cancer at the VA hospital. My parents had an extra cemetery plot and that is where their father was buried. By the fall of 1968 my parents added one more child, a beautiful baby girl that they were able to adopt within a year - 6 boys 3 girls and very proud parents - my parents were angels on earth and earned their wings when they passed to Heaven!To everyone that wants to adopt or foster children, this child's reaction is not the standard. It is the hardest thing you will ever do, these children typically have anger/depression issues, behavior concerns, and many other issues that arise when they are in your care. So many people go into foster care for the right reasons but are not fully aware of how difficult it will be. As someone that has adopted a son and done foster care, most children are not this grateful. If you are expecting this type of response and gratitude from children, you will more than likely be let down.
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