specifically using

15 грудня 2015, 06:27
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specifically using

TV PATROL December 15 2015 15 12 2015 Replay Full Episode I run building sites - I do jokes, I do banter... but shoving her over like that? And shoving her into someone's teenage daughter that hard!? This guy is a dick and I'm specifically using 'guy' and not 'man' because no 'man' would ever treat a woman he respects and loves like that. That goes out to all the other dicks on here that think it's cool tooThis girl takes a literal joke. And a jerk. This isn't funny and entertaining at all. That girl deserves better. Being pushed around at people, pavement, water, etc isn't funny at all. Girl, get your shit together especially your dignity and leave that stupid jerk. He's totally just playing you for a few clicks and likes. You were laughing in the videos but there will be a time that he does something very stupid to you that will/might cost you your life.The video doesn't show the very end where she dumps him. At least that's what I assume happens. The egg joke=harmless, the ice-cream on the nose = harmless, but everything else is abuse! It could have seriously hurt her. The possibility of a twisted ankle, whiplash, or banging her head were all very real! This guy is a jerk and his girlfriend deserves a man who cares about her safety over his need to laugh.Those jokes are a bit extreme 🙈🙊.. when push comes to shove and he gets pay back  he got mad when she shove the ice cream back on his face .. Its nice to have a sense of humour with your guy and joke around me and my guy always play fighting but damn psychopath much . If That was my guy pushing me into the water or into the bushes like that haha I'd beat his ass
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