outraged by the man
15 грудня 2015, 06:21
outraged by the man
Pangako Sayo December 15 2015 12 15 2015 Full Episode Replay Being a dick does not make you an entertainer, your entertaining yourself only at other peoples expense, i watched a couple of you clips on here and there is zero entertainment factor,a comedian is quick witted and good at telling story's, flapping a condom in a strangers face has no comedic value what so ever. Your a selfy lover in every sence of the word NOT an entertainer!!!! Just to clarifyFirst, woman have respect for yourself. They are jokes and pranks that don't involve belittling someone. Being shoved into the ground? No. That's bullying, not a joke. Be a strong woman and say no.
To the dick in this video, I only have two things to say.... Fuckin Douche bag and learn the difference between a prank and being disrespectful.
But again woman, have respect for yourself. You are apart of the problem why younger girls think it's ok to be treated this way.
Even if this was switched around, woman shouldn't subject their partner to this.Hahah look at all these pissed off guys, outraged by the man on the video who treats his girlfriend like a buddy.
Maybe the reason you can't get girls who look like that is because you believe they all should be treated like princesses and put the pussy on a pedestal.
Some of the best looking girls I've met, like the "homie" treatment, and like to playfight and will call you a bitch if you complain they hit you too hard.
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