cover my girlfriend

15 грудня 2015, 06:19
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cover my girlfriend

Ningning December 15 2015 Full Episode Why so many negative comments? I always fart under the sheet in bed and cover my girlfriend head with it, force her to smell the fart or wrestle her and make her kiss my smelly toe so many nasty shit lol, your girlfriend/boyfriend should be ur soulmate and best friend at the same time, no one wants a boring relationship, that's how cheating start and breaking heart.I dont find this that funny to be honest. If your happy to let your boyfriend push you into people, face first into some bushes then into a river all for the sake of the internet then you have problems! Advertising and encouraging abuse in relationships is wrong on so many levels and to make out like its all just a joke is worse. If this is how you both get your kicks keep it to yourselves.No not funny at all you freak. You do realise that this is called bully. Imagine what her parents are thinking with their daughter being with a total low life jerk like you. Even if she agreed to this like most things are fake on Facebook you were still way to ruff! If any man seen you do this ... joking or not, you would be flat on your face boy!!!! Your lucky you don't live in Scotland. You are a freak for trying to make people laugh by hurting your partner. You pushed her really hard at the end there you idiot!Look at everyone pulling out their Facebook law degrees with all the negative comments, it's clearly a set up video, every scene was planned out, the girl agreed to it and was clearly not hurt, it's not promoting how to treat women like shit at all, it's a bit of harmless comedy if you don't like it it's much easier to scroll through your news feed and ignore it not piss your pants over it. There's worse problems going on in the world everyone
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