Nina Moskalenko – living in the land of raiders

22 березня 2013, 08:06
Власник сторінки

There are fights, broken windows and fence on the next day. Statements about attacks and penetrate private territory were missed. Trying to get own home were met with threats.

Cognitive disfunction was provoked with excessive power, permissiveness and lawlessness. It was risen with unlimited appetites ,envy and megalomania. All in one gives birth and feeds children’s reflex. Baby grabs all he can see. He knows, that nothing bad will happen to him.  Our “baby” can let himself to set on you policemen, public prosecutor, judges and to add criminals. It gives him opportunity to deprive you finger or, even, head.

Actually, he is not interested in your head so much. It’ll happen, if you prevent him to take what he want. If you don’t give up your life will end at the bottom of the hole.

So called “baby” don’t come into your life personally. He sends his assistants.It can be realtors, policemen, your boss at the work place can become such person. Besides, more bright and classy representatives will come to you. They are members of criminal band.

They’ll offer you to cede so wanted house, flat or business, because “baby” require for these ones almost for free.

If you should refuse “baby’s” caprice, you’ll have huge troubles. Take care! Poin of reference will  begin after your refusal. Your life will depend on this point.

This one played a determinate role for Kiev Ukrainian language teacher. She worked at the military school  behalf of Bohun few days ago. Not positive changes will depend on this point.

Then we can write the book. We may call this one “Raiders’ plans for beginners” . Accept this, it can be published like book for kids, as primer, which named  “ Alice in the land of raiders”. Alice can be changed on Nina Moskalenko’s name. It’s  very terrible fairytale, which doesn’t foresee happy end.

Mrs. Nina had been living in the own house, before someone pleased her land and decided to evict her. There are absurd demands, threats, mental pressure, twenty-four- hour supervision, dubious neighbors.  Officials visit woman almost every day.  There is raiders’ attacks without policemen’ reaction.

She was not yielded. Police takes action,  office of public prosecutor joined them. Threats get more terrible. Threats implementation starts. Civil court makes decision in raiders’ favor without any reasons.

There are fights, broken windows and fence on the next day. Statements about attacks and penetrate private territory were missed. Trying to get own home were met with threats.

Person becomes a victim of bullying or watching this. Person’s cognitive balance starts suffer. The ombudsman doesn’t notice flagrant facts of violation of human rights or authorizes handle the case to The Prosecutor General’s office of Ukraine, witch  passes work down. The case is got  patronage there. It is convenient system, isn’t it?

With whom such misfortune can happen?  With everyone. If you have wanted piece, which  is attractive for “baby” with attaché case, stars on his shoots or rings on the finger, you’ll wait for misfortune.

Private sector on the Pechersk hills near The Botanic Garden behalf of Grishko is ghetto for “favorites”. They can’t  profiteer their own land in The Mezhihirya. But, they have opportunity to bye a piece of the most expensive land in Ukraine.

There is the part of Kiev, where is no place for ordinary mortals. Palaces, which  worth millions are located there, elite build their churches there. Who knows, maybe soon there will be own government and border line.

There is one little problem. Modest houses are still located among those palaces. They remain there not so much, but  it makes them more attractive place for new cottage witch beautiful view of the Dnieper  river and Kiev Pechersk Lavra.

Nina Moskalenko’s case, whose family had been living on this land since 50-th, lasts since the spring. Quite a lot of executors were in involved.                   They’ve done incredible amount of the work for depriving lone mother home and destroying honest person.

Woman had to endure a lot! Someone tries to put her to prison, to take away dwelling, abode social obstruction for justifying things, which happened with her. Someone tries to leave her without work and take her  livelihoods.             

Much of the work has been done. Even, dog from the yard was poisoned. Anonymous  threats have been recently sent. Every day woman stays waiting for attack. 

There are so many articles about peculiarities of land and house ownership in the private elite sector.

There is no doubt about the issue price. It’s possible, that similar issues raiders make on the line. Reaction on measures to prevent raiders’ seizure of property  is too operative. There is effectiveness of these actions with executive officials, who certainly service raiders’ interests  and  help raiders realize their scheme.

We have not information about customers. We have names of people, who service raiders’ frauds and destroying of person at all spectra of physical existence  and social activities in regard to all kinds of social relations.

Let’s examine persons, who have been realized obstruction and destroying.

On the  25th  of September  woman was locked up to detention center.                        Doctors found tumor suspected as the cancer.  She spend a long time in the hospital. She had to move from one medical institution to another, cause police put pressure on doctors for quick Moskalenko’s discharge from the hospital. At the same time investigation  in another criminal case was continuing .

Pechersk R.Of. senior investigator Nechitaylo  D. investigated this case. He didn’t let woman’s receive treatment and didn’t let doctors treat her. Besides, He was very interested in her situation with ownership of land and house.

Recently progress has been given to another criminal case. This one is about murder of her stepfather. He died in 2010. Investigator of Pechersk R. Of. Grishko L. leads this case.

One of these days Mrs. Nina was dismissed because she had been treating during a long time. It was the reason for creating problems at the work place. But it was just the pretense. Examination groups came and was searching for defects of her work. Woman was under the psyhological pressure.

The head of the military school major general Romanenko Danil deserve to be mentioned. He swore deputy of "Svoboda" party, that he wouldn't dismiss Mrs. Nina, but he's done this. Beside major general persuade woman to yield to raiders.

The day, when N.Moskalenko was liberate people with posters stood near the lyceum. From content it was clear, that Nina Moskalenko is killer at least. Those people got 200 UAH., as it became known for us. Probably they are pleased with themselves.

Who else are characters of our soap opera? There are few "bright" persons.

On the 13th of December Pechersk District Court delivered a judgment to deprive Nina Moskalenko of property rights to land and apartments and to evict her from home.

Judge Sergiu Vovk considered the civil suit. He is well-known for Yuriy Lutsenko's case.

To find out the truth is difficult,there were versions and some information, witch wasn't confirmed. But absolutely, ordinary mortal men without specific contacts and financial resources can't allow himself to create such large-scale terror.

Question about executors of "customer's" will, who serves his interests still presists.

They can hardly imagine, that ordinary teacher  with help of activists' group or even, deputies of the opposition, can defend her rights.

To prove it become one of the most important tasks for Ukrainian society.

translated by

Ann Lysenko

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