The first Ukrainian woman on Everest invited the legendary Sherpa to our country

24 листопада 2021, 22:44
Власник сторінки
The first Ukrainian woman on Everest invited the legendary Sherpa to our country

Irina Galay, who successfully climbed the most dangerous mountain in the world K2 this year, invited the legendary Sherpa Mingma Dorchi, the Guinness Book of Records record holder, to Ukraine

It was Mingma who helped the Ukrainian woman climb the second highest mountain peak of the Earth K2 (8 611 meters). In the mountaineering world, K2 (Chogori) is called a killer mountain because of the very high mortality rate among climbers who attempt to climb it.

Mingma Dorchi holds the Guinness Book of Records. The Nepalese made the fastest traverse (climbing two peaks without returning to base camp). On May 27, 2019, at 12:44 pm, Mingma climbed Everest (8,848 meters high), and already at 6:45 am he was on the fourth peak of Lhotse Land (8,516 meters high). That is, he made the traverse Everest - Lhotse in just 6 hours and 1 minute.

First, we will take Mingma to my native Mukachevo, - says Irina Galay. - And then we plan to organize a meeting with our friends in Kiev, at which we will sum up the results of this year and plan ascents for 2022.

This is my first time in Ukraine, - said Mingma Dorchi. - I will gladly share my knowledge with Ukrainian climbers. I will be glad to attend the ceremony of awarding Irina with the title of honorary citizen of Mukachevo, which was accepted soon after Ira's successful ascent to K2.

Irina Galay is the record holder of Ukraine. The first Ukrainian woman to successfully climb Mount Everest (May 20, 2016) and K2 (July 27, 2021). Irina also founded a social project "Clean Carpathians", within the framework of which she organizes hikes with the collection of garbage from the Ukrainian mountains. Organizes camps in the Carpathians for children with autism. Designs her own women's suit for high-altitude ascents.

Sherpas are a people living in Eastern Nepal in the region of Mount Chomolungma (Everest). One of the main activities of Sherpas is to participate in climbing mountain peaks, where they are not indispensable as alpine guides.
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РОЗДІЛ: События в Украине
ТЕГИ: книга рекордов Гиннеса,Закарпатье,Карпаты,Мукачево,Карпати,альпинизм,рекорды ,рекорд Украины,украинские альпинисты,Закарпаття,Книга рекордов Украины,Мукачеве
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