Libya explosion occurred near the Foreign Ministry building building was severel

11 вересня 2013, 08:05
Власник сторінки

Libya explosion occurred near the Foreign Ministry building building was severely damaged

According to foreign media reports, witnesses say, located in the Libya city of Benghazi in eastern Libya violent explosion occurred near the Foreign Ministry building, 11th, causing building severely damaged.

According to eyewitnesses, the explosion appeared to have been caused by a car bomb. At present it is not clear whether the explosion caused casualties.

The explosion occurred when United States first anniversary of the attack on the Consulate in Benghazi.

The night of September 11, 2012, militants stormed in Libya Benghazi's United States Consulate to protest a movie defame Islam Prophet Muhammad United States movie and exchanged fire with security personnel at the Consulate. United States stationed in Libya Ambassador Stevens and 3 Consulate staff were killed in the incident. mblw1593
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