Germany President of the largest opposition party was fined for speeding

10 вересня 2013, 06:43
Власник сторінки

Germany President of the largest opposition party was fined for speeding

According to Germany the Bild reported on September 9, in recent days, Germany's largest opposition party--Germany Social Democratic Party (SDP for short) President Gabriel (Sigmar Gabriel) who demand the driver was fined for speeding.

Reportedly, Germany local time on September 5, Gabriel in his Audi A8 car from Hamburg (Hamburg), Osnabrück (Osnabrück). En route, he asked the driver accelerated and reached a speed of 180 kilometers per hour, and soon, he was fined for speeding. Afterwards, he told the media: "error in my. But my drivers can, of course, at that time did not exceed 130 km/h, there is no speed limit. "In addition, he said, because he was in a hurry in a hurry to make this choice:"new balance I wasn't apologizing, I just want to be clear that mistake myself and time is running out in reality. "But no matter how add Brill explains their behavior, he still had to pay 500 euros (about RMB 4058.44 Yuan) in fines.

Gabriel was born in 1959 in Germany Lower Saxony, Goslar, 1999 was elected Governor of Lower Saxony, since 2005, Germany the Federal Government Minister of environment,new balance 420 nature conservation and reactor safety, November 13, 2009 was elected as the Germany Social Democratic Party Chairman. At present, Germany is about to begin the general election, the current Germany Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel (Merkel) competitors, peer Steinbrück (Steinbr ü CK) but also from the social democratic party.
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