Morocco increase the index of production industr

06 вересня 2013, 07:46
Власник сторінки

Morocco increase the index of production industr

Manufacturing industries in the Morocco production index recorded an increase of 1% in the second quarter compared with the same period in 2011 2012, indicates Friday OHCHR Plan of Morocco (HCP).

This development results such as the increase in petroleum refining of 19.4%, foodstuffs and articles of clothing and furs by 2.4%, of paper and cardboard by 1.7%, rubber or 1.9% plastic products, the tobacco industry of machinery and equipment by 1.4% and 1.2%, says the HCP in an information note on the index of production industrialenergy and mining.

On the other hand, chemical industries have registered a decrease of 2.2%, metal products of 2.5%, the textile industry by 1.6%, the leather, travel goods and footwear 3.1% and 5.1% wood working products, adds the same source.

Moreover, the mining production index registered a decrease of 4.4%, resulting from the decline of various products of the extractive industries by 4.4%, including phosphates with 6.7%, and metal ores of 3.2%.

Finally, the production of electrical energy index has recorded, for his part, an increase of 11.3%.OS campos marcados com (*) São obrigatórios  mblw1593
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