Не думайте, пож., что я унялась

23 липня 2013, 20:52
Власник сторінки


Yahoo решил бросить взгляд на королевских детей сквозь десятилетия  -  от короля Георга V в 1870 до принца Уильяма. Мы тщательно исследовали каждый нос, подбородок и рот, пытаясь понять, на кого будет похож ребёнок Кейт и Уильяма. 

Комментарии к каждой фотографии очень интересны. Вы можете ознакомиться с ними по ссылке.

 This is King George V in 1870. Those big deep set eyes are unrecognisable in the current Royal family. The fashionable child starts a century-long trend as he dons a sailor suit - a style repeated thr

Queen Alexandra has her hands full here with this brood of grandchildren. Sailor suits were all the rage in 1904 with two out of her seven grandchildren dressed in the twee outfits. A hat was a must,

The Queen, then the Princess Elizabeth, catches forty winks during an official portrait sitting with her parents, the Duke and Duchess of York. Although the couple look pleased with the new addition t

Little Princess Elizabeth looks delighted as she’s taken for a ride in a carriage in the grounds of Windsor Castle; a frilly baby bonnet framing her face. The picture was taken in 1927 when she was ab

Princess Elizabeth has the same smile and eyes of her father King George V1 at the age of seven, while Princess Margaret is her mother’s daughter at two years old. If you take away her side curls in t

Princess Elizabeth, now all grown up and a mother herself, looks delighted with her firstborn Prince Charles who is six months old in this picture. Prince Philip is very much the proud dad. We recogni

Королеву Елизавету вы, конечно же, узнали. Ну и принца Чарльза тоже)

It’s Princess Anne’s first birthday and here she is pictured wearing a coral necklace while sitting for an official photo with the Queen and brother Charles. Something has tickled all three as they po

Prince Edward – the Queen’s fourth child - has the same facial features as his aunt Princess Margaret and the same slightly worried expression that she had so many years before, as he’s photographed i

Prince Charles and Diana arrange a photocall for their son William who will be 18-months old in a week’s time. He seems a bit distracted by the cameras as he strolls around the garden in his padded ro

The Duchess of York, carrying her daughters Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie in matching pink stripy dresses. The trio are arriving at Corpach, near Fort William, where they boarded the Royal barge to

Those sailor suits were back in fashion in the 1980s as Prince William dons one on the balcony of Buckingham Palace watching a flypast, following the Trooping of the Colour ceremony. He’s joined by Lo


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