The Haney Group U.K. Estimates Grow on Shale Gas Extraction

04 вересня 2013, 04:12
Власник сторінки

The Haney Group comments advising investors of the recent shale gas finding in the United Kingdom with estimates doubling in the north of England.

July 17, 2013 - The Haney Group A Boutique Equity Management and research firm based in Hong Kong Founded by A diverse wealth Consortium of Private Financial professionals, combined with A Knowledge of the stock Markets, Tax Legislation, legal Compliance and Market Analysis. Priding themselves in giving the very best service to their institutional investors, high net worth individuals and private investors today commented on the new findings at shale gas fields in the United Kingdom.

The United Kingdom government is looking to replicate recent US shale exploration figures that ignited a stimulus, cutting energy costs and boosting the economy. The UK has announced that their fields of shale gas in northern England are over double the size they had previously estimated, giving the country the capabilities to spur economic growth and replenish its depleted North Sea deposits, cutting energy imports. 

"The next step for industry is to establish how much gas is technically and commercially recoverable," Energy Minister Michael Fallon said in a statement. "We welcome the commitments from industry on community benefits. This will provide a welcome boost for communities who will host shale exploration and production. "

UK regions Lancashire and Yorkshire has estimated holdings of 1,300 trillion cubic feet of gas, the UK government plans to follow similar steps in the implantation of extraction procedures as the US with a planned 10 percent extraction giving 130 trillion cubic feet a quantity that would the UK the ability to fulfill demand for approximately 47 years.

"As the UK companies involved in the exploration start to complete environmental studies and extraction commences, strategic planning leading to achieving a profitable end for our investors is the goal, being properly positioned within this market will see the full measure of gains. We will be closely monitoring the four main companies holding licenses in the Bowland Basin shale area, Cuadrilla Resources Ltd, Centrica Plc, Dart Energy Ltd and IGas Energy Plc and advising our clients on new developments, "announced David Roberts, the Senior Vice President of Mergers and Acquisitions at The Haney Group.

The Haney Group Predicts Solid pathways to good returns from the Profitable Activities Developing presently in the United Kingdom. This is a growth market that is unique and thus in the worlds' spotlight. Great expectations for its future development are foreseen and we have great scope to find opportunities for fantastic Return on Investment for all clients and associates involved at all levels with The Haney Group.


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ТЕГИ: the haney group,,hong kong,press release
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